We offer the following design services:
- Single and multi-story custom home designs
- Renovation plans
- Plans for additions
- Tenant finish out plans for commercial lease spaces
We are a full service design firm providing high quality professional design services using the latest state of the art CAD software.
Evans Residential Designs plans are designed in compliance with standard construction practice in the State of Texas. They conform to the most current ICC International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings and the International Building Code at the time in which the design was created. Many cities make amendments to these codes. Check with your local building department to determine the code requirements in your area. Home plans in our region are not required to have a licensed architect or engineers stamp. If this is required we may need to have the plans reviewed and stamped by an architect or engineer licensed in your region (fee not included in plan cost). These plans are for the construction of (1) one house only and must be repurchased for each additional address. (8) sets are provided with each order. Plans are printed on 36”x24” paper. Additional sets may be purchased on our Products page.
Site plans are available. Buyer must provide a plat or survey with all utilities, easements building lines and setback requirements shown.
Modifications can be made to plans for a fixed price to be determined and agreed upon between buyer and Evans Residential Designs.
All plans are prepared to the highest quality and are reviewed many times during the preparation of the drawings to insure that the drawings are as accurate as possible. Listed below are the items in which you will receive with your design:
- Front Elevation (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Side & Rear Elevations (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Roof Plan (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Floor Plan (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Non-Engineered Foundation Plan (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)*
- Foundation Details (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Electrical Plans (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Cornice Details (Scale varies)
- Cabinet Elevations (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Sections (Scale: 1/4”=1’-0”)
- Door & Window Schedules
- Plot Plan (Scale 1″=20′-0″)
*Since we are not structural engineers and are not familiar with the consistency of your soil, or the conditions of your building site, these plans are offered for reference only. A licensed structural engineer needs to be consulted to review the provided foundation plans and ensure that they meet the structural requirements of your building site.
Services for Builders
Our construction experience gives us unique insight when designing for builders. We can meet with you, the buyer or both. We can design for custom build jobs, spec homes or stock plans. We can furnish multiple elevations and options for your complete product line. By maintaining new, fresh custom designs will give you an edge over your competition. We will not solicit your customers.